Designing digital transformation

More people's work! That’s what digital services means to Victim Support Netherlands. We helped them design new services.
Victim Support Netherlands (VSN) helps after crimes, traffic accidents, disasters and calamities. Since 1984, it has been helping victims with emotional support, in the criminal process and in getting compensation for damages.
Times are changing and VSN could also take a big step in innovating its services. Online services in particular could help more people. People who were previously less easy to reach.
• Utrecht
• 2016 – 2019

View of the client
At the start of the SHN 2.0 programme, it quickly became clear how important it is to know your clients. It was up to us to map the different victim types and make their (recovery) process transparent. As a result, we spoke to more than 100 people about their experiences.
In co-creation with the programme team and colleagues from the country, we translated all insights into personas and customer journey maps. These formed the basis for all new services, the website and campaigns.

Expedition 2.0
Besides the research, we also stayed involved in other ways. For instance, we created the Expedition: a board game for employees with which we made processes transparent so as to identify areas for improvement.
We also played a role in the implementation of the new website and services. A process you can’t just get done with a manual and training. Certainly not with an organisation like SHN where 1100 volunteers do the real work; helping people.
The chosen strategy was to talk about the adoption of the new services. Terms like implement and roll out, we didn’t deal with that. ‘More people work’ was our motto.
• Diary Study
• Interviews
• Co-creation
• Workshops

More people's work

In the few years we have been involved with VSN, we have done a lot. The central question has always been: ‘Are we helping more people with this?’
How would you answer that question for your organisation?
the service
of people