Designing Cultures

From skills to a designing culture

De Academy

Designing Cultures is the Academy of 31Volts in which we help your team and organization to put people even more at the core and to search for the why behind the question. We experiment with prototypes to learn to innovate more successfully.

Our mission is to introduce your team to all the good that design (thinking) has to offer. From putting people first, to developing a design culture in your organization where no idea is too big.

Mastering basic skills is important, but we prefer to start with the why of design. The how and what, we will work on that in the training. We call this Learning by Doing.

For who?
Anyone who wants to work with their team to tackle challenges more effectively and with more fun

Tailor-made training
Becoming good at design can be done at three levels: Getting to know the design process and methodologies, becoming comfortable with skills and building a design culture.

How you approach these levels differs per person, team and organization. We like collaborate with you so the form and duration that you receive becomes a tailor-made training, fitted to your specific wishes and learning objectives.

What topics get treated?
How you can apply the design thinking process to your corporate culture.

Got interested?
Download the brochure!

“If I had an hour to solve
a problem I’d spend 55
minutes thinking about
the problem and 5 minutes
thinking about solutions.”

– Albert Einstein

Design Thinking

People have been designing for a very long time. With design thinking as title, it has been made clear what design exactly is. That as a designer you not only make things beautiful, but can also approach difficult issues in order to become even more innovative.

More and more organizations, it seems, are looking for ways to achieve smart and meaningful innovations. And then design thinking quickly comes into play. But what exactly is it?

What designers already knew is that design is the best way to achieve something new that benefits people. Creativity that is used for the purpose; make people’s lives more pleasant. Sometimes by improving the beauty and user-friendliness of a product, but increasingly by giving a grip on “the real” challenge and then coming up with original new solutions.

Fases within the design process
In the training we will work with:
Frame / Learn / Create / Transform

Training – brief version

Innovation driven design

This training is about getting to know all the good that design has to offer; people, the design process and associated techniques.

Tackling issues in a design-driven way means working according to a creative, pragmatic process. In this course you will search for the question behind the question and you will get a better picture of the needs of the (end) user.

#doublediamond #designthinking #portray #strategicdesign #brainstormingtechniques #visualize

Comfortable with design skills

This training is about skills development and getting comfortable with it. On a personal level, as a team and as an organization.

Interviewing people on the street or drawing an idea instead of describing it is quite exciting for many people. That is why you train your creative skills in this course. You will be introduced to various design skills and tools. From interviewing to design scenario.
#persona #customerjourneymap #businesscase #designscenario #visualializing #drawing #prototyping #experiment

Become a design driven organization

This training is about making mistakes, experimenting and learning by doing. In other words: No prototype, no meeting.

Design driven organizations are more successful than organizations driven by predictable outcomes. How is design philosophy in the organization? Together we discover which transition your team or organization needs.
#working environment #creation #teamculture #safeenvironment #pilots #jointlanguage #tone-of-voice

More information
In the brochure, you can read more on what you will learn, what you can do next and what results you will achieve.

“Our meetings will never be the same again, now that we’ve seen this”

Designing Cultures

Lasting change and growth begins with an organizational culture that embraces design and design thinking. You need a solid creative engine that allows you to turn abstract concepts into everyday tools that help you move forward. Our tailor made workshops let you harvest and sustain the exciting potential of design driven change.

Methods that we apply
Organizational design, workshops, creative skills

Design Research
Putting people first

Explore more projects:

KLM Studio
Victim Support NL
Museums of Utrecht

Strategic Design
Tap into unexplored areas

Explore more projects:

OMO School Community
Schneider Electric

Designing Cultures
Cultivate a creative environment

Explore more projects:

Ministry of Economic Affairs
KLM Pride is blue
KLM Book
SHN Implementation

Get in touch

Excited to get started with your team?
Call +31 30 8903220 or e-mail us!

Design in
the service
of people

Schaverijstraat 11
3534AS Utrecht
030 8903220