Space for learning

Education is constantly developing and changing: suitable education, customization, and on-going digitization are just a few of the developments.
• thema waar veel
• organisaties al jaren
• aandacht aan besteden.
Getting started yourself
What a classroom will look like in the future, of course no one knows. But that's no reason not to get involved. On the contrary! Only by designing it together do you experience the possibilities. You notice what effect a change in space has on education. On learning. And on the mutual dynamics.
That is precisely why the approach in this project was so important. It showed that the design process is just as important as the end result.
We quickly uncovered four key characteristics to which a variety of learning forms were linked. Out of cardboard we made prototypes and tested what effects they had on those learning forms. Among the students, the train compartment bench was popular. This was because it isolated them from noise and other distractions.
By working with prototypes, we quickly learned what worked and what didn't. And what effect a piece of furniture had on the students. This budget-friendly way of working helps you to make the right choices. Very handy when you are going to replace the furniture of your entire school.
The interior of a school is not (only) about colors and shapes. It's about supporting your teachers and students. By experimenting together in a safe environment, you learn unexpected lessons. Because ideas can look good on paper, but turn out very differently in practice.
• Observeren
• Prototyping
• Workshops
• Co-creatie
• Service scenario’s

Cardboard Aided Design, that is what CAD stands for. Cardboard is perhaps our favorite material to work with. Especially in projects where spaces play an important role and no one knows exactly what will work. Whether it's the school, hospital or office of the future.
the service
of people